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Tired of being overlooked and under-appreciated at work?

This 4-part video series will share how you can chart a path to a career you actually enjoy!

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Here's What You'll Experience In This Series

From Career Satisfaction Coach Lea Stabler

It’s important to have satisfaction in your career so you can enjoy the life you create, not simply survive it. Let’s work together to find your “joy coefficient" – your personalized formula that helps you have sustained happiness.

Sign up today and I’ll send you my FREE 4-part video series that will help you find the job you love. Together, we’ll explore how to use your inner compass to find and connect with the path for your life and career. The principles you learn in this series will give you the courage to leave the frustration of a job that you feel “stuck” in, and help you pursue a career that leads you toward your true calling.

In this series, you'll learn

Understanding Your Physical Response to Your Job

Leverage Your Knowledge and Skills

Listen to Your Body's Natural Response to Work

Uncover the Unexpected and Streamline Your Focus

Take the first step towards a more fulfilling career journey today!

Career Satisfaction Coaching

Career satisfaction coaching focuses on your career but what you discover about yourself can be applied to other areas of your life, too. You’ll uncover and work on the skills you need to help you find satisfaction within your current role, or to move into your next role.

All engagements are virtual; duration and longevity of our partnership depends on what you aspire to accomplish.

Short Term

I can support you to success through hourly engagements if you know your direction already.

Mid Term

A 3- to 6-month engagement enables me connect you to ideas that resonate with you in your journey for career satisfaction.

Long Term

A long-term engagement fits best if you yearn for something completely new and seek coaching to find greater purpose.